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Grammy Lab

Neo-natal Artistry

Grandbaby #4 came into this world with an emergency birth, 4½ weeks early. She was just fine two weeks later, but gave the whole family quite a scare with 8 days of wires, tubes and tests in the Neo-natal ICU. Amidst wires and tubes, all Grammy could do during her hospital visits was to place her finger in the little cherub’s hand, talk to her and sing.
One evening visit was graced by a wide awake newborn. She held Grammy’s finger and fussed a bit. Grammy began to sing one of the little CCS Art Songs and the baby settled down immediately. Her attention continued through repeated verses.  Grammy then sang a little Dorian song without words. The baby continued to focus through several verses, as if listening intently. Grammy was surprised by the extent of focus of the premature infant, and delivered a chant in Duple meter just to see how this little dear might respond. Her beautiful eyes became like a dear in the headlights. This little preemie demonstrated the intense musical response with both rhythm and tonal seen in so many older children. The little sweetheart embracing Grammy’s finger and Grammy’s singing affirmed the wonder of life and the wonder of the young child’s artistry.
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