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Art Songs for Immersion

Art Songs for young children are sophisticated musical events. Immersing children in tonalities and meters primes the canvas for the absorption of Art Songs. Moving from a Tonal Activity to an Art Song assures that the words, line, rhythm, energy, and expression of an Art Song become layers on top of a prepared canvas, with the canvas being prepared not only by the preceding Tonal Activity, but by the experience of immersion in various tonalities.

Beginners do not have the same tools with which to digest Art Songs as do children with experience with various tonalities and meters. Art Songs, however, compel the artistry of all children, generally evoking the deer-in-the-headlights stare. An Art Song might be included on occasion with beginners for immersion, but Tonality Songs, with their simplicity, reach the young child’s musical mind most directly, without the distraction of the words and more complex rhythms and expression of Art Songs.

There is no need to rush into Art Songs with beginners. Play Songs serve best for energy management, which is essential with beginners. Art Songs are a musical event. Rhythm and Tonal Activities are most appropriate for beginners, with perhaps the occasional Art Song thrown in to broaden children’s exposure and to elevate parents’ concepts of their own child’s capacity for fine art.     

There is no need to sing Art Songs without words for immersion.  Rather, prime the pump with a Tonality Activity in the same tonality and meter, so that the more sophisticated Art Song becomes an extension, a musical event, the culmination of the Activity, just as it does with more developed children. 

Art Songs for young children offer little kernels of the choral art. Their rhythm, melody, line, and energy are an expression of their poetic texts, reaching children’s artistry rather than the thinking mind. Gem Songs, however, with their more whimsical texts, tickle the thinking mind as well as the musical mind, making them far less appropriate for immersion, as beginners will attend to the words at the expense of the music. Children are better served with Gem Songs after substantial immersion in meters and tonalities, and considerable experience with Art Songs.


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